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21ST CENTURY PLAYER PREPARATIONS….. How far have we come?

The 6th Annual Conference programme has been announced.  The 2019 Conference will take a critical look at Medicine and Performance across the professional men’s and women’s game.  In 30 years the number of days lost to injuries has not improved. What has changed in the game and are we really capable of influencing these figures?

  • Do we prepare players using optimal methodology to avoid injury?
  • Do we encourage a holistic player approach with an MDT emphasis, or is it a case of individual disciplines working in specialised silos?
  • How do we accommodate coaching goals into creating an integrated health and performance plan?

Speakers will explore the nuances of player preparation as we discuss areas of ‘best practice’ and take ideas and actions from Conference that will help steer our working practices and positively affect our risk reduction strategies.

Innovative, controversial but most of all informative. You can’t afford to miss it!