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What can organisations do to improve the knowledge base and co-operative work mentality to foster improved interdisciplinary support to athletes?

This workshop is designed to explore various strategies to develop the individual staff member to further improve the quality of support they provide to the players. Sometimes this can simply be some evidence based technical skills or knowledge on a specific case study in relation to others which could be extrapolated to suit their own environment. However, a vast percentage of personal development can be arguable achieved from developing personal characteristics or interpersonal communication strategies to impact upon the athlete by better interacting with other coaches and support staff or merely being more reflectively aware of how they can get better. Learning off external support mechanisms is fundamental to obtaining and honest and transparent improvement in knowledge and as such hopefully by exploring how links can be generated in this area will be of use.

Good coaches throughout the world insist winning is simply getting better every time they train / compete irrelevant of the score-line. Another old adage is the athlete wont care how much you know until they can see how much you care and so a better understanding of our own personal frailties and knowledge gaps will be the first step on this path. And so if we can aim to and subsequently understand how to make ourselves better every day then we will be well on the way to become winners in the long run in both our athlete to coach relationship and ultimately success on the pitch.