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CEO Message – Eamonn Salmon

“Though it is now 2 years since the pandemic the repercussions of COVID still resonate today.” While this might now sound like a bit of a cliché there are in fact consequences of that era that still affect each and every one of us. For the FMPA, the main concern during COVID was the lack of direct contact with clubs, our members, and commercial partners. The lockdown effectively meant less emails, less dialogue, less connectivity, loss of communication and a sense of isolation for all concerned. Add to this, the inordinate number of changes in personnel both during this time and subsequently; we emerged to a very different and challenging landscape.

With this in mind, and since I believe there is still a need to re-establish that connectivity, I have embarked on a plan to visit as many clubs as possible across the four leagues. A quarter of the way in, the meetings have been both rewarding, and productive for members and the association. What seemed like an onerous task has been enjoyable and engaging and the personal contact demonstrates that we as an association are in touch with and supportive of our members.

Aside from these positive outcomes one of the by-products of the meetings is that we are re-establishing a senior point of contact at each club (usually one of the Department Heads), who will then keep us engaged and in the loop with changes and developments within our sector.

And of course, I hope to see many of you at our Conference in May!

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford