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Planning is not just about growing wealth, it is also about making sure your loved ones are looked after and protected.

Nobody likes to think of the worst, but we can help plan for the future so that, should anything happen to you, your loved ones are protected.

Getting the right life insurance policy means working out how much money you need to minimise the financial impact that your death could have on your family. This sum must take into account their living costs, as well as any outstanding debts such as a mortgage.

Protect your most important asset

We insure our cars, our homes and even our mobile phones – so it goes without saying that we should also be insured for our full replacement value to ensure that our loved ones are financially catered for in the event of our premature death.

Life Insurance will help you to financially protect your family. It could pay out a cash sum if you die while covered by the policy. You choose the amount of life cover you need and how long you need it for and you can pay your premiums monthly or annually.

We never know what life has in store for us, so it’s important to get the right life insurance policy. A good place to start is to ask yourself three questions: What do I need to protect? How much cover do I need? How long will I need to cover? This sum must take into account your family’s living costs, as well as any outstanding liabilities, such as a mortgage.