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Lessons other sports can learn from Formula 1

Daniela Mifsud – Doctor & Physiotherapist

Lessons other sports can learn from Formula 1 was the topic for the first FA Medical Society evening lecture of this 2022/23 season.

Current developments and future innovations in Motorsports Medicine Dr James McBride – Chief Medical Officer, Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge

The Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge is an event that occurs over 5 days and runs over 2000km in distance. There are two classes of vehicles within the events which are cars and motorbikes with approximately 40 teams per class. Given the nature of such a huge event, a support team consisting of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, and chiropractors are required to be on standby. There are also 3 search and rescue aircrafts with four medical personnel on board.

Lessons other sports can learn from Formula 1

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