Performance Analyst

Performance Analyst
Performance Analysis is a study where systematic observation of an individual’s performance will provide coaches with objective information by gathering valid and reliable data that detail an athlete’s performance. This profession enhances the coaching process by providing statistical and video information for analysis and improvement. The performance analyst gathers data through various methods depending on the sport and key performance indicators are generated for evaluation. Both athletes and coaches benefit directly from this analysis. Athletes are able to improve confidence, decision making and technical and tactical knowledge. Coaches are able to have in-depth performance reviews, develop their coaching and practice and understand the strengths and weaknesses of the athletes.
Key skills for this profession includes ability to handle and analyse large volumes of data, high levels of IT skills including media and video equipment along with Excel and document creation software. Planning and development of written scientific programmes is important along with communication across a variety of ages with the ability to analyse, interpret and apply contemporary research in a relevant manner.
Entry requirements:
Studies to pursue this field would include an Undergraduate Degree in Sports and Exercise Science or related subject. Additionally an MSc in Sports Performance Analysis would be an asset for developing specialised knowledge in Sport Performance Analysis.
A-Level Requirements:
Degree in Sport Science or Physical Education BSc- AAA-ABB
Masters in Performance Analysis
- Completion of the MPA Diploma: Preparing for work in professional football